
General Objective

Increased visibility and access to multi-disciplinary interoperable data, available at national and international level.

Develop and implement modern informatic tools facilitating standardisation, integration and access to large volumes of data.

Coordinate and operate a distributed infrastructure capable of providing services, facilitating new research and leading to the development of new products based on these.

Specific Objectives

1. Create a scalable national research platform representing a leap forward toward increasing scientific community capacity to answer fundamental scientific and socio-economic problems in the field of geo-hazards and geo-resources, through:

  • the implementation of thematic services for various scientific and non-scientific communities;
  • developing an integrator IT framework ensuring data management and interoperability of proposed services;
  • creating a legal framework for scientific, technical and financial coordination of the distributed infrastructure and services;
  • the harmonization with national and european priorities and strategies.

2. Support and sustain the involvement of Romanian organizations to EU programs and create new collaboration opportunities with top institutions, through improved scientific capacity and expertise.

3. Increase competitiveness in the industry and economy by facilitating the access to data or research products and removing technological barriers which restrict their use.